If you’re listening from the U.S. on the day this episode airs, you’re probably trying to get comfortable after stuffing yourself with turkey and all the other accompanying gastronomical goodies of a typical Thanksgiving feast.

While I was prepping for my own family’s feast this week, I listened to a podcast that shared a portion of George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789. The history buff in me found it intriguing, so I dug a little deeper and discovered he wasn’t the only president to offer a Thanksgiving proclamation to the citizens of the United States.

Listen in as I share more about these proclamations and, believe it or not, how they relate to your writing life today.

I also share A Season for Holiness with you – don’t miss this incredible opportunity to reflect on and reconnect with God in a way that will positively impact your writing.


That’s it for today fellow pen pusher.

Remember, don’t just write a book. Make an impact.


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