Books are a big part of my life
But not all of it!
I’m Dalene Bickel.
I’ll help you write with clarity and self-publish with confidence.

My Mission – to help aspiring authors embrace their story, share it boldly, and reflect God’s glory.
Here on this site you’ll discover how you can overcome your fears, gain clarity, and obtain the techniques, tools, and resources that will help you confidently self-publish your book.
If you’re here to
- learn how to write a book a month,
- become a best-selling author, or
- make a million dollars with your book,
you’re in the wrong place.
Instead, you’ll be encouraged, equipped. and enabled to write and self-publish your book in a way that serves your readers and honors God.
No hype.
No sleaze.
No ringing of gongs (seriously, it happens).
No placement of idols in the background (yep, that happens, too).
Just down-to-earth, step-by-step, Biblically based guidance.
First things first
What do you need most right now?
You truly can accomplish more with others than you can alone! Remember, even though Jesus could have done everything by Himself, He called 12 disciples to walk alongside Him. Join the:
Learn what you need so you can accomplish your goal. The Bible shares about the importance of wisdom and how it benefits a person.
- Ink and Impact podcast and blog
- Courses (coming soon!)
I’m a fan of good books. The world needs more of them.
the work I love to do

- Ghostwriting/Co-authoring
- Book Coaching
- Developmental Editing
- My Own Writing Projects
My Journey
Before I was a writer, I was an editor. I’ve worked as a developmental and copy editor for independent and university presses since 1996. This experience enables me to help you write a polished, cohesive manuscript.
I also worked in-house with an independent publisher, which allowed me to learn self-publishing from the ground up. That knowledge was especially helpful when I founded Lasting Legacies in 2006 to work as a commissioned biographer and privately publish clients’ books (I still do this, by the way).
Through my biography work, I was privileged to serve as a panelist at the Biographers International Organization’s annual conference in Washington, DC.

Over the years, other nonfiction authors and writing groups started asking me to share my knowledge with them and help them self-publish their books (see my portfolio). It was at this point that I discovered how much I enjoy teaching and helping aspiring authors just like you.
And throughout it all, I’ve been writing articles, blog posts, newsletters, and books.
Now, lest you think all this came together seamlessly or that I’ve been able to do it all on my own, let me dispel those misconceptions.
It hasn’t been a quick and easy journey. I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way – especially the fact that writing a book for the wrong reasons will only lead you to the wrong experts and far from God.
I’ve spent a lot of time, money, and energy trying to fit certain things into my writing business that God never intended to be there.
And my journey isn’t over yet. I’m still learning and growing – in my writing and in my faith. As I lean into God and embrace His purpose for me, He encourages me to go deeper and trust more.
Which brings us to the present. This website is a direct result of what God is telling me to do right now: call His writers.
So, if what you’ve read on this site resonates with you, you’re meant to be here.
It’s a privilege to serve you.

who i am
I’m a mom to two teenage boys and a daughter of the One True King. I’m far from perfect…but battle perfectionistic tendencies. I rely on God’s grace daily and I seek to know Him more.
And of course, I’m a bibliophile. 😍📚
- What fuels me – Jesus, dark chocolate, and flavored coffee
- Favorite book – Little Women (and the Bible, of course!)
- My happy place – the ocean
- Favorite Scripture – Psalm 143:8
- What everyone else likes but I don’t – maple syrup (before fruit syrups were a thing, I ate my pancakes plain)
My bucket list (a partial list, in no specific order)…
- Stand-up paddle board
- Visit Australia and Ireland
- Learn to make cinnamon rolls like my great-grandmother (melt-in-your-mouth goodness!)
- Finish putting together my photo albums and the kids’ scrapbooks (I’ve got BOXES of stuff. Can you relate?)
And just so you know…
- I’m a history buff (especially WWII-era and American history)
- I’m a word nerd (Scrabble, anyone?)
- I enjoy organizing things (yep, that includes sentences, paragraphs, and pages!)
- I love trying new things (within reason, folks)
- I say “pop” instead of “soda”