Ink and Impact Blog

Black Friday Deals for Writers in 2023

Black Friday Deals for Writers in 2023

  All of the following links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Not all links are with Amazon; some are direct affiliate links to other companies' products and services, which I personally use and recommend. Thank you...

How to Start an Author Blog (Ep.55)

How to Start an Author Blog (Ep.55)

LISTENREAD  Back in episode 51, which was 6 Things Every Author Needs to Know, having an author blog came in as #4 on the list and I shared some ideas of what to write about. So today I am going to share the benefits of blogging and how to start an author blog....

Build an Effective Author Website in 10 Steps (Ep.54)

Build an Effective Author Website in 10 Steps (Ep.54)

LISTENREADAs I shared in Episode 51 - 6 Things Every Author Needs, websites are a necessity. But if you don’t have a website, how do you create one? In this post, you'll discover how to build an effective author website in 10 steps, whether you’re creating it yourself...

2 Things Authors Tend to Dismiss (Ep.52)

2 Things Authors Tend to Dismiss (Ep.52)

LISTENREADIn your eagerness to write your book, you might overlook or dismiss two critical things that should be done at the outset of your author journey: creating a goal and developing a budget. In last week's episode (6 Things Authors Need), I briefly touched on...

6 Things Every Author Needs (Ep.51)

6 Things Every Author Needs (Ep.51)

LISTENWATCHREADToday I’m kicking off what I’m calling the Author Summer School, and it all came about for two reasons. First, this week my youngest son is doing his behind the wheel training of driver's training. He knows the basics of driving since he went through...

What Is Your Motivation and Identity as a Writer? (Ep.47)

What Is Your Motivation and Identity as a Writer? (Ep.47)

LISTENREADWhat Is Your Motivation and Identity as a Writer? Today we're going to dive a little bit deeper into the personal side of things and talk about your motivation and identity as a writer. This morning during my Bible reading time (I am currently using the...