“I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected.” Habakkuk 2:1
Hearing from God can sometimes seem beyond our grasp, as if His response is reserved for certain individuals. (You know, those really “spiritual” people.)
I admit there have been times in my faith walk when I’ve wondered if God truly heard my prayers. But each time, God in His perfect timing, grace, and mercy showed me, in a myriad of ways, that He did indeed hear.
The Bible repeatedly shows us that God desires to communicate with each of His children. In fact, He continues to do so but…
We can’t hear Him if we aren’t listening for Him.
Let’s look at the Old Testament book of Habakkuk to gain some practical insights on how to best hear from God.
In chapter one, Habakkuk laments over the violence, plundering, strife, contention, and unrighteousness that pervades his land. He asks God how long He will let all of it continue, seemingly unchecked. Habakkuk is tired of it all and is ready for justice to prevail.
Sound familiar?
I believe it to be true of many of us believers in the world today. Habakkuk therefore serves as an excellent example of how we can actively seek and speak with God in the midst of chaos.
Rather than skulk away frustrated, bitter, angry, and hopeless after inquiring of the Lord, Habakkuk does the opposite: “I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected.”
For a relatively short verse of Scripture, it’s packed full of six applicable insights and truth for hearing from God.
Bring yourself to God.
Habakkuk didn’t make a communal request or an intercessory prayer for others; his was an individual, personal cry to the Lord. He waited to “see what He will say to me…” It’s an example to seek God and His presence in your own life.
It’s okay to vent to God.
He is a loving Father who wants a personal relationship with us. He desires for you to come to Him with all of your questions and concerns so He can instruct, guide, and comfort you. Because He’s omnipotent (all-knowing), nothing you say will surprise or shock Him. That being said, He is also sovereign and holy, which deserves respect; He is not to be mocked.
Wait expectantly for hear from God.
Know without a doubt that He has heard you and will respond. Habakkuk said he watched “to see what He will say to me” not “what He might say to me.”
Don’t just listen for God; look for Him, too.
Notice that Habakkuk decided to stand watch in anticipation of a word from God. God will make Himself apparent to you, though not always in the way you may expect. No one on Earth has seen the living God. No one can behold Him because of His purity and holiness, but He often shows Himself to us through others.
Actively pursue God’s response.
Habakkuk went out to the rampart to hear from God. Don’t just sit around wringing your hands or wandering aimlessly as you await word from the Lord. Go to where you can quiet the noise around you and concentrate most on Him.
Prepare yourself for hearing from God.
As Habakkuk waited at the rampart, he reflected on what he would say when God responds: “…what I will answer when I am corrected.” This statement brings to light two truths:
1) Habakkuk expected to be corrected for something and
2) He recognized that he would still be able to freely dialogue with God after the correction.
Because being reprimanded, rebuked, or called out isn’t fun, our human tendency is to attempt to avoid it or shift blame. Yet Habakkuk shows us that we should face it head on.
God’s loving correction doesn’t bring shame; it brings restoration.
When we confess and repent from our sins, we are able to engage in an even deeper, more edifying relationship with our Abba Father, Sovereign God, Creator, Rightful Judge, and Savior.
May each of us continue to cry out to God, seek Him in all that we do, and actively engage with Him every day.
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