Today I am joined by Kim Stewart, who is a Jesus girl, wife and mom, podcast publicist, and host of the Book Marketing Mania podcast (which I’m a fan of, by the way). As a publicist and marketing strategist, she has been blessed to serve incredible authors and PR agencies since 2015. Her sweet spot is strategy. And she’s super passionate about helping authors strategically share their life changing messages.

Welcome, Kim!

Kim Stewart 

Thank you so much. I’m so glad to be here and serve your listeners.


Dalene Bickel 

So, this is the first time I’ve had a marketing publicist, especially one for authors. I think that’s so fascinating and want to just ask you a couple questions about that in a minute. But since you’re my first-time guest, I always ask this question: What is one book, in addition to the Bible, of course, that significantly impacted you in some way?


Kim Stewart 

There’s been so many, because I’m an avid reader. I’m going to share about one that’s had a huge impact on my life as an adult and led to my business journey, which is Made to Crave by Lisa TerKeurst.

I don’t know if, Lisa, she’s the president of Proverbs 31 ministries. Just because of the type of book it was; it’s all about craving God over foods, kind of a weight-loss journey that I was on at the time. But what was super cool was how I found out about that book. I think it was released 10 or 11 years ago, way before all the social media. I was on a forum for digital scrapbookers and we were talking about doing a challenge to scrapbook our weight-loss journey and someone mentioned Lisa had a free devotional that she was offering on the Internet. And I was gosh, that’s definitely what I need.

I just fell in love with her writing, the way that she communicated and shared this similar struggle that I did. She turned to God’s word and got through her food struggles. She wanted to share her journey with others and impact their lives and help them see that through the same struggle. And I’ve seen that theme over and over in so many Christian living books I’ve read. She helped me transform my life. And it’s still a journey I’m on, but she’s helped me so much by encouraging me to dig into God’s word and find the solutions that He has for me in there.

I love serving Christian authors. And it relates nicely back to her book – it’s kind of what started me on this journey. So, it’s transformed my life and my business as well.


Dalene Bickel 

What a great story. I love that that book impacted you in that way. And it just goes to prove to our listeners that no matter what genre or what topic you’re writing about, you can have a significant impact on your readers while glorifying the Lord at the same time.

You said that book started you on your journey a little bit with your business. Can you walk us through how you got into the PR agency and working with authors specifically?


Following God’s Lead

Kim Stewart 

I guess it was like 2014. Once I discovered Lisa and Proverbs 31 Ministries, I had been getting their daily devotionals and doing their online Bible study. And somewhere along the way, I got an email about the She Speaks conference for writers and speakers. I really felt like God had put a little bit of a calling on my heart to write a book — I’m a mom of a special needs adult son. I felt like there was a journey there to share. So I kind of felt that tug, and I signed up to go to the conference.

It’s an amazing conference. There’s like 800 women, all there to support each other and learn everything about writing, publishing, blogging, and podcasting — it just goes on and on, all the new stuff we can learn. It’s hard to absorb it all.

I came home, and I didn’t do anything with it. I had started a little blog, but it wasn’t really writing on it. So the next year came around and I was Okay, it’s time to go back and take this a little bit more seriously. So I went back. At that conference, I was sitting in one of Lisa’s sessions with Karen Iman and they were talking about baking your marketing into your book. It seemed like that session and other sessions I was drawn to that year were all about marketing. Honestly, in that session, I heard Him speak to me. “Hey, I didn’t really call you here to write a book. You still have a journey. Go on. You’re not ready to write a book yet. But you’re to serve this community.” He just called me to merge those skills of my corporate marketing and my passion for marketing when I talk to anybody about marketing their businesses and books.

So I started working behind the scenes with authors and just helping them with their book launch teams, working with publishers on their book launches, helping with social media marketing, email marketing (which looks way different now than it did back then). But yeah, just helping them find ways to serve their readers and connect with new readers online and free methods, not paid ads, but just always thinking, How can we all be meeting new readers? Because there’s always new readers out there to discover our books. We don’t want to ever forget that.

And I know you’ve talked about that on this show, too — we just constantly want to be sharing our message. There’s always somebody we can be helping with our message. And so that’s kind of how I got started. And so I’ve been doing that since 2015, in different capacities. I just love it so much.


Dalene Bickel 

Yes, it’s interesting how we can start out thinking we’re headed down one path, and God allows us to go there for a time. And then He’s Oh, let’s change direction a little bit. Yet it doesn’t mean that you’re never gonna write your story. Maybe you have written yours since then. But the timing … the timing. Look at His timing and look at all the nuances that he has brought into your life and how you have been able to serve so many other people than if you had charged ahead and just done what you initially wanted to do.


Kim Stewart 

Yeah, absolutely. I would have missed out on so many blessings, for sure, if I would have just kept trying to write my story before it was time.


Dalene Bickel 

Yeah. But for those who are listening and are actively writing your books, though, that’s not to discourage you, either. It’s just to show that God can work in us in many different ways, and sometimes surprising ways. Just be open to what the Lord is sharing with you, and follow his leading.


Kim Stewart 

Yes, absolutely. And I’m so glad you said that, because I’m sure the fact that it’s been all these years later and I still haven’t written my book, might be from a little stubbornness on my part to do what God’s called me to do. I do think there’s a journey to go on, but, whether or not I want to start that journey is a different story. I know a lot of your listeners can probably relate to that.


Why Podcast Guesting Is Important

Dalene Bickel 

Absolutely. Yes. So I know you mentioned a couple of times about strategy and how you love to help authors organically find new readers and that kind of thing. So when you’re working with clients, what is the overarching thing that you want to impact your clients with?


Kim Stewart 

Well, right now, I’ve really niched down to podcast guesting. I’ve done a lot of things with book launching and social media marketing, email marketing. Over the years, that’s changed so much.

Today people want more interaction directly with the author.

They really want to just engage with the author themselves, which is so amazing. That we can pop on social or begin a launch team and actually get to engage with the author that we’ve fallen in love with and want to help them get their books out.

Several years ago, I had really niched down to PR because I just love the fact that you can be on podcasts, you can be in publications, you can be on TV and reach the people worldwide. And again, it’s free. It’s just such an organic way to connect with people you wouldn’t be able to reach in other way. You couldn’t do it on your own. You need to be able to be a guest on other platforms and speak on TV. I really fell in love with that aspect of it because I knew if there was strategy and marketing involved, I could be involved and then, of course, the author’s going to show up and do their part.

Then a couple of years ago, podcast guesting is where I niched down to because PR’s a lot; PR has a lot of stuff to work with. And I love listening to podcasts. I mean, I’ve discovered so many new authors and writers and bloggers that way and I’m just constantly listening and learning things for all facets of my life, and know how to how to make things better through podcasts.

I’m super passionate about working with writers and authors to learn how they can maximize this opportunity, no matter where they are in their journey. If they just started writing their book, they could be building their email list by sharing a message on a podcast, they could be gathering an email list for a launch team. They could be attracting a publisher, by being able to show them, “I’ve already been a guest on some podcasts, I’m already out there reaching my target readers today.”

I’ve worked with several authors who have multiple books. They have to think, “Oh, there’s still new listeners and new podcasts that haven’t heard about this book on my shelf, so why not get out there and serve them today?” And then I know a lot of authors are also starting to do coaching and courses and memberships and things, so it’s just a great way, no matter what your goals are in your author and ministry, to reach those goals by being a guest on podcasts and reaching new readers and listeners. So, that’s what I love to do is to strategize with authors and writers and how is this the right thing for them to be doing right now? And how can they get started doing it?


Dalene Bickel 

I love your passion for that. It just shows through when you’re talking. A couple of things came to mind when you were speaking, and one is the importance of your backlist. So many newer authors think whenever I’m speaking with them that Oh, I can’t market that book anymore. It’s several years old; it’s outdated. Know that for a lot of authors, their main income comes from their backlist once they learn how to market it.

That, of course, is a challenge for so many of us authors, especially indie authors. But also getting on podcast, we think that sounds great … until we actually get an interview, and then the excitement turns to terror. What are we talking about? How do we do it? And so, having someone like you in our back pocket to help us … is that one thing that you do? Coach them on how to present themselves on a podcast?


How to Pitch Yourself as a Podcast Guest

Kim Stewart 

Yes. And I’ve just I’ve always been kind of the behind-the-scenes person doing one-on-one work pitching authors, and leading them to guest opportunities. One thing I’m super passionate about sharing with my clients is that it starts with a relationship first. That’s how you and I connected. We connected on Instagram, and we have started getting to know each other on Instagram, then you reached out with an invitation to serve your peers, which is such an incredible blessing.

That’s really key … that we spend some time as guests building relationships before we start pitching. I know a lot of authors, especially around book launch time, it’s like they think they have to mass pitch – just get as many pitches out the door [as possible].

But nowadays, that’s not really how it works. You can be a guest anytime, and it can impact your books on out. But I do think it begins with starting a relationship with podcast hosts. A really thing that we just get how impactful it can be. And that’s what I hear from my clients is that a relationship with the podcast host has surpassed any kind of book sales that they could have made on that podcast. It’s so cool to see all the things that come out of that.

That’s why I would rather do more coaching than doing the pitching for them, because I really do think it’s super important for authors and writers to put a priority on building those relationships. And a podcast host, they want to hear from the guests themselves. They don’t want to hear from a PR agent; they want to hear that that guest truly cares about them and their listeners and wants to be a guest, and this is why, and this is the value they can bring.

So yeah, I just love being able to coach authors and writers on how to do that. It is a process and you do come up with issues. They just need to run by a couple of questions by somebody and I hope that people will think of me as that expertise and coach that can help them through that.


Podcast Guesting Leads to More than Book Sales

Dalene Bickel 

Whenever you mentioned that your clients have found that they’ve had more sales or better success through podcasting than just regular sales avenues, can you unpack that a little bit? How does being on a podcast potentially open doors for book sales?


Kim Stewart 

Most shows with an interview style is gonna be like a 30-40 minute conversation. Sometimes that scares people, like you were talking about, sometimes you get fearful of being the guest. But what you don’t realize is, because you are being interviewed, you can cut that time in half because there’s two people – it’s a conversation going back and forth.

It is just like me and Dalene today: it’s a one-on-one conversation, although you are, serving listeners. But when you’re recording, it’s just you and the host. Don’t be nervous about it. Just think of the one person you’re talking to about your message.

A lot of my authors that I’ve worked with have already launched their book, so their post launch, and they’re wanting to reach new readers with their message. But the thing I’ve noticed – and this has changed over the years – is there weren’t as many podcasts to listen to, and there weren’t as many authors on podcasts. You would hear an author and you would fall in love with them and connect with their personality and you probably would click over to their Amazon page and buy their book the day you hear the episode.

But with so many podcasts out now, we don’t always hear that episode that day it airs, so you can’t really judge [book sales] on that particular day your episode airs because it could be that somebody listens to the episode way later. We don’t have this very long attention span, thanks to social media; we just want things quickly. And sometimes we don’t make that next action because you’ll hear somebody go over their social media profile, or sign up for the email list, they’ve got a freebie. They’ve given us lots of value in that conversation and then if they say, “Oh, hey, by the way, if you want to dig in deeper, I have a freebie for you,” I’m probably going to click on that more than take the time to get off my podcast app, click over to Amazon, and buy a book. Sometimes that is the case.

They might join your email list, then you can nurture them to buy your book that way. Or if you want him to be on your social media profile because that’s where you have your content, they’re gonna see that. Or you can get them back to your own podcast if you’re trying to grow your own podcast.

But what I’ve seen with the host and the guest is, a lot of times, they’ve gotten to know each other through this 20-to-30-minute conversation and usually when it wraps up … sometimes the guest is a podcast host and so they will reciprocate and be, “Wow, this is an amazing conversation. Would you now be my guest on my podcast?” So that’s going to carry that relationship at least one step further, and they’re going to probably be communicating between there.

I’ve seen even afterwards, they just they find out what each other does and how they can help each other, and then I see them pop up in each other’s masterminds, they’ll comment to me, “Hey, I’m in so and so’s mastermind. Now, we’re working together to build our platforms,” or … I had a previous client that’s doing a summit this week and some of her guests were ones that we had booked her on as a guest.

It’s so cool to see all the different ways that collaborations can come out of one interview that you thought you had a different purpose for. I’ve seen authors and podcast hosts get together and write books together, write a chapter in each other’s books. Just so many different ways of collaborating, sharing each other’s content on social or their email list. It’s not just one-and-done podcast interview; it’s really a relationship starting that can do so many amazing things when you get involved.


Why You Should Pitch Before You’re Published

Dalene Bickel 

Absolutely. And I was thinking of how you experienced it with your work. You started out one direction or thinking one way, and then it blossomed into something else. It sounds like that can happen with podcasting, too – lots of different ways that God can use your story, your message, your book, to reach different audiences.

You mentioned a lot of different options and opportunities with podcasting. And you mentioned about people that were post-launch. What about people that are just starting out? What kind of podcasting should they look to do? Should they just focus on the message of their book or what should they talk about? What angle should they pitch if they’re just starting out and they don’t have a book finished yet?


Kim Stewart 

That’s a great question. If you’re in the writing stage and you already know what your book’s going to be about, you may take topics from that. Because again, your goal might be to build your email list. Maybe a publisher said, “We love everything about you, but you need to build your platform.” And so maybe that’s your goal – you want to build a platform.

Oftentimes, a lot of writers that have been around a while have tons of blog content that they’re repurposing into a book. They probably know what is some of the most popular content that readers have reacted to and just mesh that into a podcast topic. It gives you a chance to talk about that topic on episode, and then you probably have a freebie because you’re growing your email list. And then you nurture that email list. It’s so fun, because then the readers are going along that journey. They know this is what you’re going to write your book about.

This is how you want to encourage them. Week after week, when you send your emails, you’re just, you’re growing on that message and then when it comes time for a book launch team or the book launch, you’ve definitely nurtured them. And they trust you and they say, “I believe in this message.” They’re going to want to buy your book

I’d like to challenge authors to think outside your box. A lot of people I’ve worked with, they are in the mental health field, so they’re mental health professionals, but they may also write Christian content and books and speak on Christian topics. But they also have a very secular audience, too, that they can serve. Sometimes it’s good to remember that you may want to go out there and start serving secular podcast audiences, because mental health topics never goes out of style.

Always be sharing something. And then you can be adding that to your pot. Again, it’s a nice thing to be able to show publishers; it’s a way for you to show the podcasts you’ve been on before. If you’re serving listeners, they’re going to be encouraged to connect with you afterwards, join your email list or connect with you on social media.

Think about the topic of your book or your blog, you could talk about that. Or, again, you could talk about something you do in your day job. Also, some life experiences that you’ve had. I haven’t done this much, but I could talk about being a special needs mom; my son has autism. And so, even though that isn’t related to my business, or maybe I’m not writing a book about it yet, it is something I am an “expert” on. I could serve audiences that way, and then connect with them and decide what direction to take. Think of all the different hats we wear, and how we can serve readers. And, when things happen, just like the hurricane [Ian] just happened when we’re recording this, there’s always, sadly, some kind of tragedy. If there’s anything we can bring to encourage listeners, or any kind of a unique, diverse voice we can bring to the conversation., I just want to encourage everybody to speak up and share with a podcast host that you could do that and serve their listeners in that way.


Dalene Bickel 

That’s so helpful. Thank you for sharing those different views and ways to think about pitching podcast hosts as a guest. And I was thinking too, that all of this relates back to engaging with others. So often as writers, I know, primarily – this is not a statistic that I’ve read anywhere formally done – but the majority of writers that I’ve spoken with consider themselves introverts. And I think that they love the solitude of writing in their corner, in their room. And then all of a sudden, when their book is done, they’re flustered and they’re unsure and not confident at all in reaching an audience.

So I love how you’re sharing that it’s all organic. If you start with just one conversation with one podcast host, it’s a one-on-one, and yes, there are people listening, but you’re not standing on a stage in front of hundreds of people at once, visibly. It’s a great way to just start stepping out, start having conversations and like you said, that one conversation with a podcast host might lead to another conversation with someone else. And then, before it, you have a little network of other authors and podcast hosts and readers.

You started off the top of the message here saying about how audiences love to engage directly with the author. And, again, that might cause some authors to be a little fearful. “Oh, goodness, how much do I need to share? What do I need to share?” But if you just start small, and just share a little bit, you’ll get the feel for how much to share and what your readers really resonate with. So I love that you shared all of that.

I know you said that it’s never too early really to start guesting, whether you have your book finished or not. So let’s talk about the podcasts themselves. How can they target podcasts? Who should they start reaching out to?


Which Podcasts Should You Pitch?

Kim Stewart 

I think if you are going to talk about your writing or your book, you’ve probably honed into – and I’m sure, Dalene, you probably help authors with this and writers – honed into who your target reader is. And in our niche, it seems like it’s, “Well, anybody that listens to a Christian podcast,” which might be true. I mean, any Christian podcast might be appropriate. But even some Christian podcasts are more niched down. Like one of my favorite podcasts is The Boy Mom podcast. Well, if your book isn’t for boy moms, then you’re not pitching that podcast, or one for girl moms, or one that’s about marriage. One that’s just for moms, in particular. So, I really think start with who your target audience is, and go at it that way when you’re looking for podcasts to pitch.

I love what you were talking about building your author community up. Definitely figure out how you can be in a community with other authors because you’ll typically find other podcasters there. And two of my favorite podcast groups are the Spark Media, and the Christian Podcasters Association. Both of those Facebook groups are where a lot of Christian podcasters just hang out, and share their episodes or they’ll share about podcasting. And even if you’re not a podcaster involved in those groups, just get to know other podcasters and share their shows.

Two great ways to kind of look and see are threads that say, “I’m looking for a guest on a particular topic.” And so you can kind of start to get to know those hosts, and hosts know tons of other hosts. So I think if you start from the relationship aspect of it, it’s so much easier.

And then also, if you if you search and follow authors that have had books out that are similar to what you’re writing, or even bloggers that are kind of in that same niche as you, and they have guested on a podcast, you can easily look in your podcast player, and search by their name, and it’ll pop up with the podcasts that they’ve been a guest on. So then you could kind of check those out and see if those will be applicable for you to pitch yourself to.

But really, yeah, just get in a community with people that can tell you shows they listened to if you have built an email list, you could ask your email list. Ask people what shows do you listen to that interview guests? Then communicate with the podcast host and just begin building those organic relationships and be very authentic. Don’t go into it with, “What’s in it for me?” It’s about what’s in it for them and their listeners.

And so yeah, a great way to identify the podcast is just really starting with identifying who your target listener is that you’re trying to reach.


Dalene Bickel 

Do you think that their number of downloads or the popularity of a podcast factors into it? Should you discount ones that are newer podcasts?


Kim Stewart 

No, I definitely would not. I mean, we all want to be on the big show. It’s funny, because you ask authors, and they’ll be, “I don’t know what shows I want to be on,” but then they’ll start talking about big shows they listen to, which is great. When we say “big shows,” they have a lot of downloads or are top in the category. But these are often a lot more solo shows, so they don’t even interview guests.

I definitely want to say, as you start searching, make sure you’re looking for shows that interview guests.

It just depends on their goal for their show and who they interview. Who have they been interviewing? A lot of the big shows only interview traditional published book authors, because that’s where they are all exchanging/swapping out guests. But I think today, sometimes they are going to interviews week in, week out with a new author. I don’t know, maybe the listeners can afford to buy the books, right? So you never know what the return might be.

But I would not discount a new or smaller podcast because they have a really, really dedicated listenership.

So, when that host says, “Here’s my guest, I believe in them – you should go check out their book or join their email list,” the listeners trust that host and they’ll take action. Also because [those podcasts] are typically a little bit more niche.

Again, like The Boy Mom podcast, she’s only speaking to boy moms. And if you look at shows like that, that’s typically how it works. If they’re super niche, then they probably have a super dedicated audience, day in and day out, and might take action out of the show.

I think it just really depends on the writer and the author. I mean, if you have relationships with big, big show hosts, then, definitely cultivate those, and you never know what might come out of it.


Dalene Bickel 

I know we’ve been talking about when to start pitching and what kind of podcasts to pitch. Can you share maybe one or two tips for actually pitching? What do you say to these podcast hosts?


What to Include in Your Podcast Pitch

Kim Stewart 

Write it as short as you can, be as short as you can. That’s really hard with a podcast pitch. But again, I think everybody’s attention spans … and they don’t have time to read a big, long pitch. I’ve been trying to shorten my own. You can always link over to your website, where you have more information.

But the main thing is, you introduce yourself, and it’s all about how you’re going to bring value to the listeners. Typically, as writers and authors, we feel like when it comes to any kind of media, we want to share all our accolades. We’re nervous and we want to share that we’ve done all these things, and we’ve sold all these books, but that’s really not what a typical host is looking for.

They want you to introduce yourself really briefly, and then share the topics that you can bring. I usually share one topic and a couple of bullets for my talking points, or I might share a couple of topics for them to choose from, but I always customize it to the show, again, because it’s a very niche show. [Share how] you might speak to the audience a different way or maybe you’re bringing a different perspective. Maybe you’ve listened to an episode and you heard a particular episode and you’re, “Oh my topic would be great to follow up on that episode because ….” Call that out.

I always like to tell hosts if I’ve left a review. I encourage you to always leave a review before you pitch a podcast and then let them know that you’ve done that. [It shows] you care enough to support their show in advance of your pitch.

But the main thing is just, you want to give them a topic, so they don’t have to think of it on their own. And you want to give them a couple of talking points, and then just asking, “Can I come and serve your listeners as a guest?”


Dalene Bickel 

Yes, I agree with that. 100%. I love it when they offer a topic idea. I also love it when they tell me where I can get their headshots – if I can get it from their websites, and so forth.

Just so authors are aware, if you are on a podcast, they’re probably going to ask you for the book cover .jpg and a headshot. So have those ready in the wings for whenever they ask, if you don’t have them ready when you’re pitching.


Kim Stewart 

Yeah, definitely. And that’s what I love about having a dedicated page on your website, because then you can update that as often as you want. But you can just give them the link to that in your pitch, for sure. And that way, there’s just one link that you click over and read all about it.


Dalene Bickel 

That’s a good point, too, because I don’t open attachments from people I don’t know. So having a website with the link to where that information – your bio, your headshot, your book cover – can be found is ideal.

Thank you so much for sharing all of that. Were there any other tips that were burning on your tongue, ready to share with our listeners before we close today?


Podcast Guesting Summary

Kim Stewart 

No, I think you’ve covered it. I will mention, I know you previously you had Ruthie Gray on your podcast, I think that’s how we probably originally connected since she’s both of our Instagram coach. And she’s amazing. But I would say be sure and listen to that episode, because she has a really great challenge that’s been going on.

And even if you listen to this after the fact … one thing I encourage authors is, when you pitch, the host will likely click over to your website. But if they’re active on a social platform, they’re gonna probably click where to find you on social as well, to check you out. Because especially for those of us that follow Jesus, we want to make sure that people we’re connecting with have the same values as we do. You could do that ahead of time, right and be able to have something personal you could add to your pitch. So definitely, make sure you listen to that episode.

Just lead with value, always make sure that you’re building the relationship first – and that can just be leaving a review and making some kind of a connection with the host- and then, again, having that presence somewhere online. If they go check you out, does it match up to who you are in the pitch? And again, make sure you always communicate your value to the listener. It’s not always about your writing or your book; it’s about the topics from your book that’re going to bring value to them and their busy lives.


Dalene Bickel 

Great distinctions. Love that. Thank you so much, Kim for joining us today. It has been a pleasure.


Kim Stewart 

Thank you for having me. It’s so fun to serve your listeners.


Listener Opportunities

If you would like to get connected with a group of fellow Christian writers, I have the perfect thing for you. It is called The Inkwell.

It is a group that I have been running for two years now at 10 am Eastern Standard Time. But the exciting thing that I wanted to announce today is that during the month of October – so starting right now – I am opening it up for a second session on Wednesdays at 2 pm Eastern Time.

This has been done primarily because I’ve been hearing from many of my West Coast friends who would love to join in, but the 10 am Eastern is just a little too early for them, especially when they have littles that they’re trying to get out the door.

I encourage each of you to consider joining a session of The Inkwell. It’s a great opportunity to connect with fellow Christian writers, pray together, share resources together, but most of all – get writing done!

If you don’t think you can write in a short amount of time, I want you to give it a try. You just might be surprised by how much you get accomplished in our hour together.

So again, it’s a trial run in October every Wednesday 10am Eastern AND 2pm Eastern.

If I get enough participants in the afternoon session, I will continue it after October. But it’s up to you to let me know if that is something that you would like to do, and you can let me know by joining. And how do you join?

Click this link to register.

It’s free – no money at all. I just need to know where to send you the login information every Wednesday morning. I hope to see you there!




I also wanted to remind you that if you haven’t already, let me know if you have published a Christian book. I am curating a list of books that I am going to distribute in November. I’m going to share about it here on a podcast episode in November, as well as sharing those books to my private list of readers; my mailing list of readers that I have accumulated.

So if you haven’t already taken me up on this offer, it’s a fantastic offer for you to be able to get your book seen by new readers. Be sure to email me at and provide me with some basic information.

I need to know your name and the title of your book (or books, if you’ve written more than one); let me know about them. Of course, they should be Christian books, whether it’s a Christian theme (if it’s fiction), or a devotional or a how-to or whatever kind of Christian book you’ve written, I want to know about it. If it’s independent or traditionally published – either one – send them to me.

I need:

  • your name,
  • the book title,
  • a blurb about the book (the back cover blurb – let me know what it’s about), and
  • a link so I can see the cover and ideally read the first chapter or sample – the Look Inside feature.

Send those my way by the end of this month, October 31.

I’m so excited to take a look at those and curate that list for a future episode in November. Like I said, I want to support you. This podcast is all about supporting Christian writers. And I know that, especially when we’re indie published, it can be really hard to get our books in front of new readers.

This is my way to reach out and help you in a small way. But it could be a big way, too. You just never know!

So send me that information. I look forward to hearing from you.



Be sure to subscribe to Ink and Impact on your podcast player of choice (if you haven’t already!) or you can always go to the Ink and website.



That’s it for today fellow pen pusher.

Remember, don’t just write a book. Make an impact.

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